“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Your life is remarkable. Now it's time to tell your story.
Atkins & Greenspan Writing can provide ghostwriting services for books to:
Chronicle your life legacy in a memoir;
Showcase your historic, pioneering and celebrated career accomplishments as a blueprint for others to emulate your success;
Share your unique expertise to teach people "how to" do something meaningful;
Elevate you as an expert in your field by bolstering your brand with a clear, concise, engaging book;
Illustrate your inspiring messages about triumphing over tragedy, or overcoming tremendous odds, and helping others;
Attract paid speaking engagements, media interviews, and a new income stream from book sales; and
Fulfill your lifelong dream of becoming a published author.
Allow Atkins & Greenspan Writing to help you enjoy this extraordinary opportunity today.
“Once you have a book out there, people start seeing you differently.”
© 2016 Atkins & Greenspan Writing