“Once you have a book out there, people start seeing you differently.” -Jack Canfield, originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® Enterprise
A book gives you the power to:
Help people improve their lives by learning about your expertise in business, spirituality, wellness, life, finance, education and more;
Make a big splash in the local and national media;
Garner paid speaking engagements for you;
Attract new clients;
Generate a new stream of income from book sales;
Bolster your “brand” and establishing you as an expert in your field;\
Serve as your inspiring testimony about how you triumphed over disease, divorce, depression, abuse, emotional or physical trauma, a natural disaster, war or other devastating experiences;
Become required reading in college courses pertaining to your topic;
Chronicle your life story in your own words for your children and future generations;
Accomplish a lifelong dream of becoming an author.