Welcome to Atkins & Greenspan Writing.
We are authors and writing teachers who can help you make your book a reality.
We do that by guiding you on your writing journey to tell your story your way. If you want to leave a legacy, boost your brand, or set yourself apart from your competition, a book is the answer.
We can help you explore the five W's of your book, so you can get started with writing it!
Who are you not reaching... because you haven't written your book?
What's not happening in your career or life... because you haven't put your story down on paper?
Where could your business succeed... if you proclaimed your value in your book?
When are you going to reach influencer status... before or after writing your book?
Why are others writing their books... and you're not?
How are you going to make a difference in the world... if you don't have a book?
Now ask yourself: What are the ramifications if I don't write MY book? Maybe someone else will write it. Maybe you'll always wonder how your life and the lives of others might be affected if you had made the decision to go for it. Fill in the blank with any one of a million what-if's...
Having a book instantly gives you leader status; your clients will see that you take yourself, your business, your profession seriously.
If you're a business owner seeking a unique marketing piece with a long-term shelf-life, a book is your ideal tool. We can easily toss a business card, but we're not likely to discard a book.
Give it some thought. Ask yourself the five W's.