Week 1. April 4, 2019
Introduction to Erotica: What is Erotica and Why Should You Write It?
Objective: By the end of this class, you will have a strong understanding of what erotica is and why you should write it. We will also explore:
* Should you use a pen name? Overcoming the fear of your mother reading it.
* What is your motivation for writing erotica? To affirm yourself? To “out” yourself? To vicariously live a fantasy through your writing that you’re too afraid to experience in real life? To make a strong statement about something?
Week 2. April 11, 2019
Erotica is Not Porn: You Need a Strong Story & Plot!
Objective: By the end of this class, you will have a solid understanding of how to craft a powerful plot and engaging story for your erotic novel, novella, or vignette. We will also explore:
* Should you use a pen name? Overcoming the fear of your mother reading it.
* What is your motivation for writing erotica? To affirm yourself? To “out” yourself? To vicariously live a fantasy through your writing that you’re too afraid to experience in real life? To make a strong statement about something?
Week 2. April 18, 2019
Creating Captivating Characters: Real People, Not Sex Robots!
Objective: By the end of this class, you will have know how to create captivating characters to populate your erotic stories. We will also explore:
* How to create fascinating, unique characters.
* How to weave their sexual desires and preferences into their backstory so explain why their lifestyle.
* How to create interesting story arcs for each character’s development from start to finish.
Week 4. April 25, 2019
Sex Scenes That Sizzle
Objective: By the end of this class, you will have know how to write sex scenes that are unique and engaging -- without being cliché or confusing. To do this, we also explore:
How to avoid writing about a tangle of limbs punctuated by titillating words.
How to describe the intense emotions and physical sensations, good and bad, that occur in characters engaged in lust, love, and spiritual connection.
How to write realistic, unique dialogue for characters in l
How to create unique love scenes with settings, dialogue, feelings, plot twists, conflict.